Session 3. - Task


Identify existing happiness-related programs and projects at your entity. Gather a list of programs or projects in your entity that are creating happiness for customers and employees. Let the Science of Needs open your conceptions of what a happiness project could be, beyond the marketing buzz.

Your entity is already engaged in many activities that promote the happiness of customers and employees. Tell us about them!

This session, we want to learn what initiatives, programs and projects your entity is already involved in, that address some of the happiness needs of residents and visitors to Dubai. 

Follow the questionnaire below to help you identify programs and projects from your entity that are already impacting happiness for the city. This compilation will form the foundation of the Happiness Agenda roadmap. 

You can use the text boxes in the form below to enter your answers, but we think this task is made easier using pen and paper to record your ideas You are welcome to use whichever list-making technique you like best!

Share your name. You can always choose to remain anonymous.

Part 1: What projects are making your and your colleagues happiest at work?
- Think of the projects at work that you enjoy working on the most. List these here. Can you identify the happiness need that is being fulfilled? There can be more than one need being fulfilled in a single project. Label these next to each other
- Turn to a colleague. What projects make them happiest to work on? Add these to your list. Can you identify the needs that are being fulfilled here (you can ask your colleague for their thoughts too)? Label these next to each other

Part 2: What projects are making your customers happiest?
- Think of the projects at work that make your customers happiest, in your experience? List these here. Can you identify the happiness need that is being fulfilled? Label these next to each project.
- Turn to a colleague. What projects do they think makes customers happiest? Add these to your list.
- If you are able to, have a short chat with some of the front-line staff in your organisation. In their experience, what projects have made customers happiest? List these here. Can you identify the needs that are being fulfilled here (you can ask your colleague for their thoughts on this, too)? Label these next to each project.

Part 3: What haven’t you thought of? Create 4 columns, one for each of the four happiness needs.  List the projects you’ve already identified under each of the four columns. What other initiatives, programs, or projects does your entity operate that are addressing any of these needs? Add as many projects to each column as you can think of.
- What other projects is your entity working on that contribute to Affective Needs? Provide opportunities that lead to positive emotions & feelings such as fun, joy, and other hedonistic pleasures.
- What other projects is your entity working in that contribute to Basic Needs? Allow people the ability to access services in an easy, efficient, convenient and seamless way.
- What other projects is your entity working on that contribute to Cognitive Needs? Help people achieve a high sense of well-being and satisfaction with their lives.
- What other projects is your entity working on that contribute to Deeper Needs? Supporting people in engaging and meaningful activities that maximise their sense of purpose and meaning.
